Are you an extraordinarily talented individual with national or international recognition in arts, motion pictures, or television? Consider the O-1B visa as your key to continuing your artistic life in the U.S. At Oguz Law, we provide comprehensive guidance to individuals with extraordinary ability in their fields from around the globe at every stage of their O-1B visa processes, helping them seize the opportunities awaiting them in the U.S.
What is the O-1B Visa?
The O-1B visa is designed for individuals with extraordinary abilities in the arts, motion pictures, or television. This includes artists, actors, musicians, directors, and others recognized for their high level of achievement.
Who Qualifies for the O-1B Visa?
Qualification for the O-1B visa requires:
High Level of Skill and Recognition
Evidence of recognition and acclaim at a national or international level.
Distinction in the Field
Must be recognized as outstanding, notable, or leading in the field.
Evidence of Success
Awards, critical reviews, commercial success, or recognition by organizations and critics.
How Does the Application Process Work?
Step 1: Initial Consultation and Eligibility Assessment
We assess the applicant’s eligibility for the O-1B visa, looking at the eligibility of the applicant’s field and work and the chances for proving that the applicant has an extraordinary ability in their field.
Step 2: Completion of Intake Questionnaires and Document Checklist
We send the employer and the employee the intake questionnaires, a checklist for documents to be provided, and a sample detailed job description to obtain information necessary for applying for the O-1B visa. Upon completion, the applicant shares the questionnaires, necessary documents, and job description with us.
Step 3: Document Preparation and Review
We and the applicant go over potential support letter writers for the O-1B petition and discuss the content of support letters. After that, the applicant begins collecting drafts of support letters. We review the applicant’s documents and information and requests from the applicant and complete any missing information and documents.
Step 4: Drafting Forms, Finalization of the Application Packet, and Submission
We draft necessary forms, including G-28 and I-129, and share forms and any remaining support letters with the applicant to be signed and sent back to Oguz Law. The applicant pays a filing fee if not already paid. We put the signed forms, support letters, and cover letter in the application packet and send them to the USCIS.
Step 5: Post-Submission Procedures
After submission, we share a copy of the application packet and receipt notice with the applicant. Upon receipt, we share the Application Support Center (ASC) appointment notice with the applicant, with instructions about the ASC appointment, and ask the applicant to confirm that they will be able to attend the ASC appointment. If a Request for Evidence is received, we discuss the response and necessary documents with the applicant. When additional documents are received, we draft the response and submit it to the USCIS.
Step 6: Visa Approval and Post-Approval Procedures
When the O-1B petition is approved, we send a copy of the approval notice to the applicant. Receive a copy of the approval notice, and let us guide you through post-approval procedures, making your American dream a tangible reality.