The H-3 visa offers individuals a unique opportunity for specialized training in the United States. Contact us today and discover how we can help with your H-3 visa process. Take the first step towards unlocking the doors to your enriching U.S. training experience and pave the way for your professional growth.
What is the H-3 Visa?
The H-3 visa is a non-immigrant visa category that allows foreign nationals to come to the U.S. for training in a particular field or to participate in a special education exchange program. The primary purpose of the H-3 visa is to offer instruction and training that is not available in the applicant’s home country.
Who Qualifies for the H-3 Visa?
There are two primary categories for H-3 visa eligibility:
a. Trainee
To qualify for the H-3 visa as a trainee, applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Training Program: The training must be in a field where the applicant cannot receive the necessary training in their home country.
- No Productive Employment: Training must not engage in productive employment unless it is incidental and necessary to the training.
- No U.S. Worker Displacement: The training must not be used to provide employment to the foreign national in a position readily available to U.S. workers.
b. Special Education Exchange Visitor
This category is designed for those participating in a special education training program for children with physical, mental, or emotional disabilities. Specific requirements must be met, including prior experience or training in special education.